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3 Reasons Why Your Idea Needs An Identity

“Why does my idea need an identity?”

Ideas are free. They arrive in a flash. They pop up and from all corners of the country from all places of inspiration. In our world of creativity, full to the brim with people thinking, doing, being and brooding, ideas are in abundance.

By giving your idea an identity of its own, it stands in good stead to get the support it needs and stand out in the saturation.

I’m here to help…three ways to get your idea noticed within your network.

1 - Ideas with Identity Can Be Communicated

Ideas with Identity are clear, considered and concise. Showcasing the fact that you've put thought into your idea and presenting an idea that has been developed shows a level of commitment. When delivering the idea, pitching, or communicating on any level, the clarity - or lack there of - will be obvious.

Distilling the idea into a core message clearly shows your current position and possible next steps. Clarity is kind. Rambling about half baked thoughts and a scattering of many ideas, is unkind, and wastes time. Your audience will not thank you for it.

Questions to consider:

  1. Is your idea one solid idea or a combination of a few thoughts that you’re trying to squeeze together?

  2. Can you communicate your idea in one sentence? (one core message).

  3. What problem is your idea solving?

  4. In two words, what problem is your idea solving?

2 - Ideas with Identity Have Personality

Communicating with clarity is critical. Communicating with character is memorable.

Personalities are distinct. When we meet someone for the first time first impressions count. What was that something about them? Was it that they had interesting things to say, or how they made me feel special or important?

Ideas are the same. Alongside the delivery of your core message how about putting some personality into the mix. Adding flare to the idea will not go unnoticed.

Taking up someone's time with a boring rendition of your new training programme is not what the world needs right now. But telling a tale about your experience and emotional reaction which inspired this new project is exactly the story which needs to be told. Adding some flare provides that sought after first impression, and memorable encounter, that we’re looking for.

Questions to consider:

  1. Think about the initial inspiration for the idea. What was your experience? What is the story?

  2. What emotional response did you have when developing the idea?

  3. What emotional response do you wish to instil in others when they come into contact with your idea?

  4. What memorable moment can you hang your hat on?

3 - Ideas with Identity Can Be Shared

The initial communication stage is of course critical in sharing your thoughts and gaining buy-in from your audience. Adding some personality into the equation will also help spruce up your story telling.

Your audience may grasp your idea, but can they share it? Is your message simple enough to be repeated?

Creating a snappy snippet to share may be the momentum you need in spreading your message far and wide.

Questions to consider:

  1. Would your core message benefit by using memorable language in some way? Alliteration, rhyming or taking an existing quote/cliche and adapting it to become yours?

  2. Can you develop a slogan/ tagline to summarise your idea? Enabling the idea to become ‘sticky’.

  3. Can you liken your idea to something that already exists? Using schemas to help your idea become embedded into the minds of your audience.

Developing your ideas can seem daunting. But distilling the distinct nature of your thoughts is a critical step in the process of creating great things.

Take 30 minutes to shoot the shit and take the next step in making your message memorable >


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